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The OpenAQ API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the outcome of API requests, whether successful or erroneous. A successful request is accompanied by a 200 “OK” status code that confirms the operation was completed as expected. In cases of errors, the API responds with specific status codes that signify different types of issues. These codes enable developers to quickly understand and address any problems that arise when using the API.

HTTP CodeStatus textDescription
200OKSuccessful request.
401UnauthorizedValid API key is missing.
404Not FoundThe requested resource does not exist.
408Request TimeoutThe request timed out, the query may be too complex causing it to run too long.
422Unprocessable ContentThe query provided is incorrect and does not follow the standards set by the API specification.
429Too Many RequestsThe number of requests exceeded the rate limit for the given time period.
500, 502, 503, 504Server errorsSomething has failed on the side of OpenAQ services. Contact us on Slack .