Guide - Querying with AWS Athena
AWS Athena provides a powerful SQL interface to query data from the OpenAQ Archive S3 bucket.
To start create a table.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `openaqMeasurements`( `location_id` INT, `sensors_id` INT, `location` STRING, `datetime` STRING, `lat` float, `lon` float, `parameter` STRING, `units` STRING, `value` float)PARTITIONED BY (locationid string, year string, month string)ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ESCAPED BY '\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'LOCATION 's3://openaq-data-archive/records/csv.gz/' TBLPROPERTIES ('skip.header.line.count'='1')
The Athena table definition defines all the columns and partitions for the data file in the OpenAQ Archive. The Apache Hive Partitioning format help limit objects scans throughout the bucket, reducing cost and time for querying. Partitions are optional and are typically best optimized on a case by case basis. Read more about Athena partitioning on S3 on the AWS docs.
Loading all partitions can be very slow, so for this example we will partition manually for a single location and month that we are interested in:
ALTER TABLE openaqMeasurements ADD PARTITION (year='2022',locationid='2178');ALTER TABLE openaqMeasurements ADD PARTITION (year='2022',locationid='827');ALTER TABLE openaqMeasurements ADD PARTITION (year='2022',locationid='1644');ALTER TABLE openaqMeasurements ADD PARTITION (year='2022',locationid='815');
Now with the table defined we can query the dataset using the SQL. To get all measurements for a single location (locationid 2178) in a single month (December 2022) we can use the following:
SELECT locationid , parameter , value , from_iso8601_timestamp(datetime) AS datetimeFROM openaqMeasurements WHERE locationid IN ('2178' , '827', '1644', '815') AND year='2022'
Now due to the partitioning Athena will only scan the selected locations instead of the entire bucket, reducing costs and time to compute. This will return all measurements for December 2022 in this following form:
"parameter","value","datetime""pm10","30.0","2022-12-12 01:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","18.0","2022-12-12 02:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","17.0","2022-12-12 03:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","10.0","2022-12-12 04:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","10.0","2022-12-12 05:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","26.0","2022-12-12 06:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","13.0","2022-12-12 07:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","13.0","2022-12-12 08:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","11.0","2022-12-12 09:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","16.0","2022-12-12 10:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","16.0","2022-12-12 11:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","24.0","2022-12-12 12:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","11.0","2022-12-12 13:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","19.0","2022-12-12 14:00:00.000 -07:00""pm10","12.0","2022-12-12 15:00:00.000 -07:00"...